Sunday, March 13, 2011

October 2010

Fun in the Fall! Even though Mama was stuck on a couch most of the time in October, we managed to have a little fun in the fall and have her take our pictures.

Of course, the best part of October are all the parties for Halloween. I decided to be Hannah Montana this year and Grayson decided to be a Ninja with flames.

We had a trunk or treat party right in our neighborhood on our street. We look forward to this party every year.

By the time Halloween came, I didn't want to be Hannah Montana anymore. That wig was driving me crazy. So I decided to pull my new cheerleading outfit out of my dress-up box and be a cheer leader for trick or treating. Grayson still loved being a ninja though.

This is us before trick or treating. Believe me, we weren't this cheery afterwards. It was so cold and windy and rainy that we gave up after 10 houses. Note to us: always pick a really warm costume to wear for Halloween.