Monday, March 28, 2011


While Mom was on bed rest, she decided that Gray needed to have more activities to do. Daddy said Karate would be perfect for him.

Daddy was right. He loved it! He loves to do all the moves and yell "YES SIR" at any command, even at home when Mommy asks him to do something. He earned his first tip for his belt within the first month and is still doing great.

After Mommy got off bed rest and started taking Grayson to Karate herself, I went with her. I loved watching it and I really wanted to do it too. So, Mommy let me try it out and it turns out that I am a natural. Our teacher said he was surprised how high I can kick. So now, I am a dancer-karate-soccer girl! Watch Out!

Last week, Gray earned his second tip and I earned my first one. And we both earned gold stars to go on our pants for having good report cards from school.

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