Saturday, November 1, 2008

A Very Happy Halloween!!

We had a great Halloween filled with pumpkin decorating, school and office parties and trick or treating of course.  I was my favorite princess of the week, Jasmine.  Grayson was a dragon and growled and breathed fire at everyone.  It was so warm here, we trick or treated without even a jacket.  Mommy was saying how she couldn't remember the last time it warm like this on Halloween.  And wouldn't you know it, 15 minutes later it started raining the wind started blowing and it got pretty freezing after that.  We totally scored on candy though.  Grayson and I have been sneaking suckers and chocolate at every meal and pretty much everytime in between.

About 60 seconds after we got home from the halloween party at Daddy's office, this is where we found Grayson.


becky said...

You are a beautiful Jamine, and Grayson looks like a friendly dragon. It's very warm here too.

merideth said...

so cute!! love the last pic of grayson. we had so much fun with you guys...we can't wait to see you again.

Somer Love said...

SO VERY cute! Love the JAsmine and dino costumes!